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Software that pays you back

ProsperOps lowers your cloud costs and returns material savings to your bottom line

Cloud Saving Analysis

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ProsperOps FinOps Automation Platform

Percent of Savings

Optimize CUDs, Flexible CUDs, Savings Plans, and Convertible Reserved Instance commitments to save you 40+% on your cloud spend. With zero overhead for your team.

Trusted by hundreds of FinOps teams worldwide.

Why ProsperOps

Compare outcomes with ProsperOps vs. DIY benchmarks*

Current DIY Solution


Monthly Cloud Usage (On-demand Equivalent) $100,000
Commitment Coverage

Amount of usage covered by a commitment

0% 95%+
Commitment Utilization

Amount of your purchased commitments you are using

0% 99%+
Average Discount Rate

Savings rate compared to on-demand price

0% 50%
Average Effective Savings Rate (ESR)

(Actual Spend with Discounts/On-demand Equivalent Spend) What is ESR?

0% 40%+
Monthly Gross Savings
0% $44,550
Added Monthly Savings ($) with ProsperOps $44,550
Added Monthly Savings (%) with ProsperOps n/a

Current DIY Solution

DIY solution

Monthly Cloud Usage (On-demand Equivalent)

Monthly Cloud Usage (On-demand Equivalent)
Commitment Utilization

Amount of your purchased commitments you are using

Average Discount Rate

Savings rate compared to on-demand price

Average Effective Savings Rate (ESR)

(Actual Spend with Discounts/On-demand Equivalent Spend) What is ESR?

Monthly Gross Savings

Added Monthly Savings ($) with ProsperOps


Added Monthly Savings (%) with ProsperOps


* DIY averages for Coverage, Utilization, and Discount Rate based on analysis of over 2,000 data points.

ProsperOps saves category leaders millions on cloud

We only get paid when you save money

Unlike cloud management platforms and cost optimization tools that charge based on cloud spend, our price is a small percentage of the savings we generate and return to your cloud budget.

Save time and reduce your cloud bill, guaranteed.

Your savings grow over time

Immediately, our software generates savings and reduces your cloud spend. Over time, ProsperOps unlocks greater discounts, delivering incrementally more savings to your cloud budget.

Algorithms automatically maximize your cloud savings—24×7—aligning discount instruments to usage as it increases and decreases, without manual intervention.

Save more than you are today, with zero effort.

ProsperOps has returned over


in cloud savings to AWS and GCP customers

ProsperOps automatically generates and returns money to your cloud budget

On average, customers see a 50% increase in their cloud savings simply by using our software.

Sign up now to get started, or request a Savings Analysis to see how much you can save with ProsperOps.

girl with laptop

Start saving instantly

Submit this form to get started

Automatically reduce your cloud costs

Our software and service will maximize your savings on your cloud investment, net our charge, guaranteed. Request a Savings Analysis to see how much you can save with ProsperOps.

Save money, guaranteed

No spend floor, no up-front costs, no hidden fees, no budget needed

Intuitive cloud console

Monitor performance, audit savings, run FinOps reports, and more

Autonomous experience

Guided IaC deployment, minimal setup, requires zero ongoing effort

Calculate your Savings

Estimate your potential savings with our automated cost optimization platform.

Monthly Cloud Usage(*)



Commitment Coverage(*)



Discount Instruments Used

Estimated Savings

(with Prosperops)

Monthly Savings


Yearly savings


Estimated Effective Savings Rate


Current Missed Monthly Savings

(without ProsperOps)


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. ProsperOps manages both inherited Standard Reserved Instances and Flex Boost Reserved Instances.

By design, our service is autonomous and it’s not uncommon for us to take 1,000s of optimization actions a month for a reasonably sized, dynamic environment.

ProsperOps can be used by either team. ProsperOps lives at the intersection of the DevOps and FinOps functions, where the fragmented management of RIs and SPs can create misalignment.

The ProsperOps pricing model is different than most SaaS products and is directly tied to AWS savings generated (versus AWS spend):

  • Organic usage growth notwithstanding, your cloud budget will grow from a lower AWS bill.
  • In addition, the savings generated from the AWS bill pays the ProsperOps charge.
  • With a term commitment, ProsperOps offers tiered pricing that delivers scalable economics as your savings increase.

The ProsperOps charge is called the Savings Share and its a function of savings calculated in dollars, driven by the rates applied against both Flex Savings and Base Savings.

  • Flex Savings are the monthly savings generated from a Flex Boost Service Standard Reserved Instance and/or Convertible Reserved Instance that ProsperOps has purchased or optimized as part of the Services.
  • Base Savings are the monthly savings generated from all other compute savings instruments (e.g., Savings Plans, inherited or customer-procured Standard Reserved Instances, Convertible Reserved Instances which ProsperOps has not optimized).

Yes, in which case the ProsperOps charge will appear on your AWS invoice.

AWS RI and SP Savings Calculation Method
AWS measures RI and SP savings as the difference between spend with RIs and SPs vs. spend if compute ran at on-demand rates. Savings values are impacted by a number of factors including utilization, coverage, and discount rates.

Note: Because RIs and SPs can be unutilized, it is possible to have negative savings (i.e., you paid more with RIs and SPs than if you had run at on-demand rates).

Authoritative System of Record
While the ProsperOps platform is responsible for ingesting compute usage telemetry and programmatically optimizing RIs and SPs to generate savings outcomes, ProsperOps considers AWS as the authoritative system of record for all RI and SP savings generated. The savings values shown in our Console will match AWS at all times.

ProsperOps makes it simple to audit the savings values provided in our Console by including pre-configured deep links to AWS Cost Explorer. These links allow you to easily compare ProsperOps values against authoritative AWS RI and SP savings data. These links are available in the savings summary panel at the top of the Savings Dashboard, as shown below. Savings values can be audited at any time and will match AWS whether the data is estimated mid-month or the month has been finalized by AWS.


audit your cost savings from our console

What is an EDP?
For customers with sufficient spend, AWS makes available an Enterprise Discount Program (EDP, aka Cross-Service Private Pricing Agreement) which enables a flat discount on overall AWS spend in exchange for a long-term spend commitment.

Using RIs and SPs with an EDP
RI/SP discounts and EDP discounts stack, which means you can receive discounts from both savings programs at the same time! In that scenario, it's valuable to separate and properly account for RI/SP savings and EDP savings. This becomes critical with a service like ProsperOps since our Savings Share is specifically a function of the RI/SP savings generated.

Authoritative System of Record
As discussed in this article, ProsperOps considers AWS the authoritative system of record for RI and SP savings. This is true of EDP savings as well. As such, our savings calculations follow AWS' methodology for how RI/SP and EDP discounts are applied. This ensures the savings values shown in our Console always match the authoritative savings values from AWS.

AWS Discount Order of Operations
When the AWS billing system applies discounts, RI and SP discounts are applied first. Specifically, AWS calculates RI and SP savings upstream of whatever EDP discount is applied later in the billing process. This means RI and SP savings, as reported by AWS, are the difference between spend with list RI and SP rates vs. spend if compute ran at list on-demand rates. This savings value is what our service impacts and is thus what our Savings Share is applied to.

Once RI and SP savings are applied, AWS then applies the EDP discount to the RI/SP compute discounted spend amount. EDP savings are additive above and beyond RI and SP savings and fully accrue to the customer. Our Savings Share does NOT apply to EDP savings.

AWS Savings Calculation Example
This example illustrates how AWS applies discounts and calculates savings. ProsperOps follows AWS as the authoritative system of record for RI/SP and EDP savings values.

No. By default, you'll be billed separately by ProsperOps, but you'll also see lower AWS compute costs on your AWS bill.

If you prefer to purchase our services via the AWS Marketplace and have the charges appear on your AWS bill, please contact us and we'll assist you with signing up via that channel.

ProsperOps only needs least privilege access to actively manage your commitment discount portfolio and passively monitor your cost data and AWS compute estate. No agent is required, only an AWS IAM role. That role prevents our ability to manipulate (launch, start, stop, terminate) your engineering resources and we have no ability to access your EC2 instances, Fargate containers, or Lambda functions. As such, ProsperOps has no ability to impact application performance, availability, etc.

We're firm believers in the security principle of least privilege, so our permission set includes the minimum amount of access we need to run our analysis and nothing more.

So you enjoy the work of continually administering RIs and Savings Plans? 🙂

While we hope to save you money for the long term, you can cancel your subscription at any time.

If you cancel the subscription, you will be billed the Saving Share charge for the current month-to-date. Since the Savings Share includes savings over the contract term of managed RIs and Savings Plans, you will also be billed a final Savings Share charge for future to-be-realized savings of all ProsperOps managed commitments. See our service terms for additional details.

Subscriptions are monthly by default. If you are interested in a longer term plan, please contact our team.

Yes. For any prepayment our service deploys beyond monthly spend, customers must first approve a quarterly budget that acts as an additional constraint for our service (when applicable, this shows up as an additional setting in our Console). In that model, we produce a projected quarterly budget just before the beginning of each quarter which you review, adjust if you want, and approve. Once approved, our algorithms will only deploy prepayment in that quarter if it’s within the approved budget.

Upon a customer’s termination, ProsperOps will immediately bill the savings share charge for Services provided month-to-date.

If a customer terminates prior to the term expiration of a ProsperOps managed reserved instance, the unrealized savings share charges are due for the remaining reserved instance term or a maximum of 12 months.

Estimated unrealized fees are from deployed commitment in the Flex layer only. For example, if ProsperOps deploys a 12-month commitment, and a customer leaves in six months, you will receive a savings benefit from the commitment from the remaining 6 months and the unrealized savings share will be charged accordingly based on that estimate.


No. Since RIs and Savings Plans have the potential to match any applicable compute resource across all accounts in an Organization, all compute usage in regions where ProsperOps is enabled is monitored and analyzed in real-time.


🚀 Discount automation now available for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) in Early Access!