
Effective Savings Rate

Effective Savings Rate (ESR) is the ROI for savings instruments and is the one output metric you can use to measure true savings performance.

About the eBook

Managing AWS Reserved Instances and Savings Plans with input metrics like utilization and coverage doesn’t tell the full story and can be misleading.

Only the top 2% of all AWS cost optimizers achieve an ESR above 40% and that is highly difficult to maintain.

Master the importance of ESR, and benchmark your company and find out where you stand amongst the top AWS cost optimizers in our latest eBook.

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Request a Free Savings Analysis

3 out of 4 customers see at least a 50% increase in savings.

Get a deeper understanding of your current cloud spend and savings, and find out how much more you can save with ProsperOps!

  • Visualize your savings potential
  • Benchmark performance vs. peers
  • 10-minute setup, no strings attached

Submit the form to request your free cloud savings analysis.
