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ProsperOps for Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Fully autonomous AWS cost optimization software.

Platform Overview

Get the most return on your AWS investment with ProsperOps. Our fully automated cost optimization platform maximizes your savings, minimizes wasted spend, and dramatically reduces commitment risk. With ProsperOps, AWS customers commit with confidence, knowing our cost optimization software will maintain optimal coverage, utilization, and flexibility to deliver unmatched cloud cost efficiency.

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Maximize savings, minimize risk, and reduce wasted spend — with zero ongoing effort.

Autonomous Discount Management

ProsperOps autonomously manages and optimizes your AWS discount instruments (e.g., Savings Plans and RIs) using real-time telemetry from your environment to maximize coverage, utilization, and ESR.

Intelligent Showback

Accurately allocate commitment costs and savings across individual regions, resources, and more based on actual usage. Help product and internal teams discover the true unit economics of running in the cloud.

AWS cost optimization, simplified.

Our AI-powered cloud cost optimization platform automatically maximizes your AWS cloud savings and simplifies cloud financial management.

ProsperOps builds, manages, and optimizes your AWS commitment portfolio, so you don’t have to. By dynamically optimizing commitments based on real-time telemetry from your environment, ProsperOps maximizes coverage, utilization, and increases your overall Effective Savings Rate (what is ESR?).

What customers say about ProsperOps

Why ProsperOps

Creating an effective FinOps outcome is massively broad and complex. First-generation cloud tooling is reporting based, charges a percent of spend, and still requires your time and effort to generate savings. Experience the future of FinOps.

Outcomes, not recommendations

ProsperOps automates cloud optimization tasks previously handled by humans. We do the work, you enjoy the savings.

Better results, guaranteed

The data shows our strategy and real-time AI optimization platform generate more savings with less risk.

Your savings pays our bill

The incremental savings we generate more than offsets our charge, so we put dollars back into your cloud budget.

Request a Free Savings Analysis

3 out of 4 customers see at least a 50% increase in savings.

Get a deeper understanding of your current cloud spend and savings, and find out how much more you can save with ProsperOps!

Submit this form to request your free cloud savings analysis.

New: Autonomous Discount Management for AWS RDS, ElastiCache, MemoryDB, Redshift, and OpenSearch.  Learn more.